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#HowToSetUpRichPins #bloggingtips #toptraffictips | Leslie Carothers

Rich Pins Can Help You Double The Traffic To Your Blog! Read this post to find out why and how!

Pinterest is the #1 driver of mass consumer traffic to all websites and blogs, after Google organic search, for all serious websites and blogs I know.

Mass consumer traffic can help you do the following 4 things, well: 1. Sell consumers physical or digital products or both. 2. Sell affordable virtual design services or services of any type. 3. Build a consumer email list. 4. Monetize your blog or site through programatic ads, which only require site traffic to your website, and not a consumer purchase - in order for you to make money, 24/7.

And the use of Pinterest’s RICH PINS will be your secret sauce to faster success.

In all of the consulting work I do for brands and interior designers around how to help them #DesignWealth into their websites and blogs for 24/7 income, the least understood aspect is how they can get more traffic to their blogs and websites, faster, using RICH PINS.

Rich Pins are simply Pins that contain more data. This additional data encourages the mass consumers who frequent Pinterest to click through and save your pins — more often — leading to more traffic to your website.

It’s that simple.

In this post, I am going to show you, in images, the difference RICH PINS make, and then, I will show you how to install RICH PINS on your site. It’s so easy - it takes 5 minutes and you don’t need a website developer to do it for you!


Here’s the visual difference between how a RICH PIN appears to those clicking on a pin, and how a non rich pin looks. The top pin on the image below is a non rich pin, the bottom image is a rich pin. As you can see, the RICH PIN carries a lot more data, which I will go into detail about in the rest of this post.


A Deeper Dive Into Exactly What Information Pulls Through To Someone Else’s Pinterest Account, And How, From An Image You First Upload Onto Your Own Website or Blog.

I am going to attempt to show you this in images. If you have further questions, please ask me in the comments.

First, I am starting with an image of Carla Aston’s main Pinterest account. As you can see, Carla is a PInterest Ninja. She’s been using Pinterest and RICH PINS for years to drive traffic to her blog.

This strategy is now paying off for her as her blog is well monetized through the avenues she’s comfortable with persuing: a combination of programmatic ads, ebook download sales, online design consultation service offerings, sponsored side bar links from brands wanting to pull from her traffic, and affiliate product links.

There are additional ways to monetize a blog for 24/7 income, too, including design downloads, shop the look boards and online courses. My own online course, developed in partnership with Jenna Gaidusek on How To Structure, Market and Design Your Own Online Courses is an example of that type of monetization and if you’re interested in learning more about that, the link is at the bottom of this post

Image: Carla Aston || ||

So, a tiny backstory, first.

Recently, as some of you know, I ran a blog hop for my client, indoor/outdoor furniture manufacturer, Seasonal Living. Carla and Jana Donohoe were participants in it, along with interior designers Jeanne Khoe Chung, Laura Muller and Linda Holt.

Now, for purposes of this post, I am going to show you, in images, what happened from Jana’s blog to Carla’s blog when Carla pinned an image from Jana’s blog to her Pinterest board on OUTDOORS/ GARDENS so you can SEE what information transfers over from your blog to someone’s PIN boards when you have RICH PINS enabled.


First, here is how the image looked on Jana’s own blog post, before Carla pinned it.

As you can see, at the bottom of the image itself, Jana typed a description. This description pulls over to the PIN when someone pins the pin from your blog to their Pinterest board.

Image: Jana Donohoe Designs ||

Now, when Carla pinned this RICH PIN image, from Jana’s blog post, to her OUTDOORS/GARDENS Pinterest board, this is what it first looked like to any of Carla’s 209,700 followers who might have clicked on this board of Carla’s to see what’s new.


A tiny digression… if you were one of Carla’s followers, and you saw that PIN, what’s one thing you notice right away? The bold headline, right? But what you also notice is that image. That is why: the more beautiful you can make your images on your blog, the more likely others will be to pin your images on your post to their own Pin boards.

And for virality what’s even more important re: beautiful images? Once your beautiful image from your blog gets pinned to someone else’s board, the more saves and clicks your pin will get from the people following that other person’s board. And that is free marketing and free site traffic for you!

What pin would you be most likely to click on from Carla’s board above?

See what I mean?

Okay….back we go to following what happens next once Carla pinned Jana’s image to her board.

If I were following Carla’s OUTDOORS/GARDEN board, and clicked open the image above, this is the further information you would see.

Image: || PINBOARD:

Let’s dissect this further.

As you can see below, the information (metadata) that pulls through from Jana’s blog (due to Jana having RICH PINS enabled on her website ) is the following:

1. The title of her blog in BOLD.
2 Jana’s website URL + Pinterest profile with # of followers.
3. The first few sentences of Jana’s blog post are also pulling through.
4. The words that are underneath the image that Jana originally posted on her blog (which you saw an image of above).

Now, you may want to consider, instead of a lengthy description, using a few well chosen keywords along with attribution, if necessary. Why?

1. When you use two to three relevant keywords, the keywords are searchable by the consumers using Pinterest. This means more site traffic for you!
2. And, if you are sharing someone else’s image, the name of the designer + photographer, if the designer doesn’t own copyright is always a nice touch, and a great way to build trust.

See exactly how I am doing that, myself, on Jana’s image here. See how I typed her name and website?
If you pin THIS image to your own pinboards, Jana’s name and site will be seen by your followers.

See the two images below this one for examples.

This image will show you how attribution pulls through, to the viewer of any pin, when you put that attribution in your original pin on your blog.

See, also, how the first few lines of any blog post matter?

Image: Teri Lynn Fisher ||

And here is how Carla used keywords in her description attached to her image. She does this so that, if someone pins this image from her blog, those keywords stay with the image in the RICH PIN description, so her PIN can be found by those searching for modern outdoor dining or modern outdoor furniture.


I hope this case study, in images, helped you understand how the date travels from your blog post, to someone else’s pinboard, and why it’s so important to use:

1. A strong headline with a benefit.
2. A strong first 2 opening lines in your blog post that will tell people, at a glance, the benefit of reading further.
3. The power of using beautiful images.
4. The power of using keywords sparingly, on your image descriptions, for keyword search. Remember, Pinterest is not a social media site, it is a visual search engine used by millions of consumers every day.

How To Apply For and Install Rich Pins

It is so fast and easy to do this!

Follow the exact steps below, and you will be all set. Once you enter the website URL listed in this image, you will see the RICH PIN validator pop up (shown in the image below). Then, follow steps 1, 2, 3 in the image below. That’s it!

Remember: you only have to enter ONE link to your blog or another page on your website, for every page on your website to be RICH PIN enabled….meaning…additional data from every image on your website and/or blog will pull over to Pinterest whenever someone pins any mage from your site to their own Pinterest board, including your portfolio images, if you’re an interior designer.

This can be a very powerful way to get more traction on your portfolio images…make sure and talk to your web developer about how to optimize for this, and if they don’t know, contact me at for a consultation.

I hope this has helped you do exactly what I set out to do:

1. See the visual difference between a rich pin and a non rich pin.
2. Show you how information - and what information- travels with a pin from a blog site over to a Pinterest board and how you can optimize your pins for more clicks and saves.
3. Understand why rich pins are important drivers of more traffic to your site, over time.

And if this is still unclear in any way: let me know in the comments!

4. Understand how to set up rich pins.

As always, thank you for reading my blog: I appreciate it! If you think this post would be helpful to those you know, please consider sharing the link and pinning the following image.

Thank you!

#howtogetmoretraffictoyourwebsite #topbloggingtips #designwealth #SavourPartnership


How To Make Money With Your Blog For 24/7 Income And The Pinterest Tips That Make This Business
Strategy Successful

How To Make Your Pins, Shoppable.

How To Structure, Design and Market Your Own Online Courses

I invite you to follow Carla Aston on Pinterest, here:

I invite you to follow Jana Donohoe Designs on Pinterest, here:

If you are an interior designer reading this post, I invite you to join my Facebook Group for interior designers, #DesignWealth.

Please note: you must have a website to be accepted as a member.

Again: thank you!

Leslie Carothers, Chief Energizing Officer
Savour Partnership + The Kaleidoscope Partnership

Follow me on Instagram here:

Get in touch with me for professional services, here: