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Given the times we are living in right now, I know it is not as easy for you, as interior designers, to get out and attend the events and/or volunteer for the philanthropic activities that allow you to meet new potential clients.

And I also know, if you’re a potential buyer of interior design services reading this, that what you most want often want to see, but normally cannot - even in normal times - is every detail of a particular real world interior.

You want to explore and look around inside the homes designed by the designers you’re considering hiring, so you can see every aspect, before you hire.

Well, now, interior designers, there is a tool you can use that can give your potential clients this 3D walkaround experience of your real world completed interiors: the MATTERPORT 3D visualization software that works with your IPhone or comes with its own proprietary 3D camera you can purchase.

Many of you that are designers have seen how trade showrooms are using Matterport 3D visualization software to take you on tours of their #HPMKT or #LVMKT showrooms, but you might not have thought about using it for yourselves.

Matterport allows you to capture any real world space, in 3D, including your own homes or spaces you have styled to showcase to your potential clients what you’re capable of doing.

If you have real world homes you’ve designed for a client, you can also use those spaces, too. It takes still photography one step further, and having a Matterport can be very useful for your real world clients when they are getting ready to sell their homes.

It’s one more service you can offer to them in your initial contracts, that will help them show their home to its best advantage, later, when they are ready to sell.

If you’re also a real estate agent, builder or a stager, it works for your needs, too.

This is a real world home, not a 3D rendering, created with Matterport. It’s able to be toured via your computer. You can zoom in on every single detail.

I love that Matterports can be taken with your IPhone, [not Android or Samsung yet ] but to get the isometric floor plan view shown below, too, you will need to purchase their Pro2.

When you are on this isometric floor plan view, you can move your mouse to go into any part of the house. And then you can zoom in to see the rooms.

There is a wonderful blog on the Matterport site, written by a professional photographer, that compares the quality of a Matterport taken with an IPhone to a Matterport taken with Matterport’s proprietary camera, the PRO 2, which is 3000.00.

Should you decide to invest in Mattterport’s own proprietary camera, I have a referral code that I would appreciate you using:

If you use this code when you purchase, you will receive $300.00 off of your purchase of their PRO2 camera, and I will receive a credit to use on Amazon.

Here’s the blog post written by the professional photographer:

What I also love is that you, as the interior designer or stager, can stage a space or a room in your home, and make it shoppable, using Matterport and your IPhone.

NOTE: If you don’t have an IPhone, or the ability to buy a Pro2, don’t have real world spaces to showcase yet, or don’t have clients whose homes you can access, you can also do this using 3D renderings, and the eDesignTribe’s proprietary software makes that extremely easy - and fast- to do.

Did you know there are people you can hire from the eDesignTribe who will make renderings for you…renderings that are also shoppable, if you desire?

If you have an interest in hiring one of them, shoot me an email at, so I can refer you.


A Matterport is not a video and is not directly uploadable to YouTube, but…. you can take a video of yourself walking through your Matterport video, explaining the details, and upload that video to YouTube.

By doing this, you can add a contact me on your video, and if you also sell other digital products on your website that potential clients and or DIY homeowners can purchase, you can put a link to those in the first comment on your YouTube video.

Some potential clients that see your Matterport uploaded onto YouTube might not be able to or be ready to hire you now, but they might be ready to buy one of your ebooks/design downloads or online courses that helps them feel empowered with knowledge.

Here’s how to create a video of your Matterport space to upload to YouTube. [ Remember, You Tube videos can be shared on social + embedded in your blogs and newsletters, too. ]

Matterport also has a free Wordpress plug-in, so you can upload your Matterport’s into your Wordpress blogs, but be aware: when someone clicks on your embedded Matterport, it takes them to Matterport’s site. This is why you might want to take the extra time to create your own video and upload it to your own YouTube channel.

If you have the dual goals of attracting new luxury interior design clients by being able to give them a tour of your real world completed spaces, while at the same time allowing them to purchase products from your site, utilizing Matterport could be a gamechanger for your business.

It sets you apart.

And that’s what luxury is all about… delivering client experiences that go beyond what is expected.

I’d love to hear about your own experiences using Matterport, if you decide to try it, in the comments.

As always, thank you for reading my blog. I appreciate it, and if you would like to work with me, one on one, to help you develop a customized passive income strategy for your website, I invite you to contact me at

If you would consider pinning the below image, I would greatly appreciate that, too.

Thank you for reading! I invite you to follow me on Instagram at or connect with me on LinkedIn at https;//