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Meet 2021's Top 200 Influencers In Interior Design

2021’s Top 200 Influencers In Interior Design

Every year, for the past several years, the cost comparison remodeling site,, has published a very well researched list of The Top 200 Influencers In Interior Design.

I have been honored to be on this list for the past several years, alongside many of my friends and professional colleagues.

Their new list just came out for 2021 and I am once again honored to find myself in such good company.

FIXR, thank you. I appreciate your rigorous selection process that’s not based on votes, but on research, as explained in your own blog post about this year’s list, here:

Inevitably, though, lists like this don’t capture everyone that SHOULD be on them, and since it’s part of my professional job to know who the influencers in our industry are, I’d be happy, at any time, to talk to you, FIXR team, to help you know who else should be on this list, that’s not here.

To start with, every one of the designers who participated in Seasonal Living Magazine’s Luxury Virtual Designer Showhouse, shown below and listed in this post, should be included in your Top 200 Influencers In Interior Design for 2022, if they’re not already on this year’s list.

One thing I like about the FIXR site, for those of you not familiar with FIXR, is how they come up with their cost comparisons for consumers.

Their investment ranges are fairly accurate for the general consumer and they also say, right up front what these numbers are based on, i.e, 200 SF, stock cabinets, etc. - as you can see from the image below.

Their high cost, however, is not accurate at the ultra luxury level - the level many of my company’s interior designer clients serve - where kitchen remodels can often be in the 150,000 + and up range, depending on what’s being done, the size of the kitchen, and the location.

On another note…. I want to say how happy I am to see so many of my Facebook Group members on this list with me. In the opening image above, next to me, is Boston based designer, Linda Merrill, a long time member of my Group and a regular contributor on the Saturday #ShareYourBlog thread in my Group.

Linda: congratulations! I also see Lisa Mende on the other end, a long time friend of mine - going on 13 years now. Lisa: congratulations!

If you’re asking yourself right now…”What is this Group you’re speaking of, Leslie?” Let me explain:

Design Wealth is a Facebook Group that is a very active and positive community of over 1500 of the country’s top interior designers.

It has been in existence for 3+ years now and in the Group are hundreds of free tips that help designers understand how to add in revenue streams to their businesses that don’t depend on 1 on 1 interactions with clients.

In addition, we discuss, in an an intelligent and positive manner, other things happening in the interior design industry that impact the future of design…and we also have a little fun!

if you’re an interior designer reading this post, or someone on this list with me, and you are not already in my Group..and you are interested in learning how to design 24/7 revenue generation tools [ not including e-commerce ] into your website/blog/newsletter [ and don’t worry if you don’t have a blog or newsletter, it doesn’t matter ], please send me a REQUEST TO JOIN.

Here’s the link to REQUEST TO JOIN: . Please note: you will need to be a professional full time working interior designer to be admitted, and you will also need:

1. To answer the 3 questions you are asked.
2. A website for your interior design business.

I’d love to have you as part of my Group, if you meet the criteria, so you can participate in the opportunities that are made available for my Group’s members to get their work published, and to be a part of brand collaborations, etc.

I also offer private and customized strategy sessions around this topic, for those of you who might want to supercharge your ability to make this happen for yourselves, and if that interests you, please contact me at

FIXR: thank you again. It’s such an honor to be recognized in such good company and I wish your own team and your company every success in 2021.


Leslie Carothers
Instagram | Linked In