I’m thrilled to share with you before and after images of a new website today for long time Savour Partnership client, Tiffany Cassidy, co-principal of Lagnappe Custom Interiors.

Savour Partnership provided the creative direction, project management and copywriting, and Nicole Shields, of Pro Marketing Matters, provided the graphic design and coding.

Tiffany and her husband, David, who is also her business partner, have been in business for 20+ years. They employ a team of 6 and are the premier luxury interior design firm in St. Thomas, US Virgin Islands.


I have been working with Tiffany now over the past 5 years, providing strategic advice on retainer - whenever she has requested it. We also produced her beautiful mini-magazine email opt-in, which has been very successful for her in increasing her email list.

When Tiffany reached out to me earlier this year to be part of the team to help with her new website, I was honored and excited to begin.

Tiffany asked for a visually compelling new Wordpress theme for her site, one that would communicate her brand’s casual, yet luxury, island living aesthetic.

Most importantly, she wanted to make it very easy for potential clients, [ whether primary residence owners, second home owners coming in from the US for family vacations, vacation rental owners, hoteliers, or villa managers ] to find the detailed information they were seeking, quickly, and then to be able to purchase the service they were seeking or book a discovery call with her, fast.


First, the before of the HOME page.

THE HOME page, after, for Lagnappe Custom Interiors.

Now, on the home page, the gray box within the hero image contains 5 rotating frames, sharing important facts and benefits re: how Lagnappe Custom Interiors’ serves their clients, making it fast and easy for potential clients to see, at a glance, why they might want to hire Lagnappe Custom Interiors.

Two special touches were also incorporated on the home page, a .33 second video showcasing Tiffany and her team at work in their office and watercolor like visuals that Tiffany created herself, from some of her project photography.

Both of these help potential clients quickly connect emotionally with the Lagnappe Custom Interiors team and brand.

In addition, the WP theme Savour Partnership selected for her site allowed for one of her main goals to be met: to make it easy for potential clients to get their most frequently asked questions answered, fast.

Her website designer, Nicole, also found a visually beautiful way to incorporate the many reviews from various sites that Lagnappe Custom Interiors has received over the years from satisfied design clients.

THE PORTFOLIO, before and after.

As you can see from the before, the portfolio images were much smaller and not as visually compelling.

Now, in the AFTER, the images are larger and the projects are grouped into 3 main categories, making it easy for potential clients to quickly see the 3 kinds of projects Tiffany and her design team most often undertake.

In addition, now, the cover images flip over and leads to another page that provides further imagery and tells the story of the project.

THE SERVICES landing page, before.

THE SERVICES landing page, after.

The visual has changed and it is much easier to see, quickly, each service offering.

Also, each offering links to another page where Lagnappe Interior’s potential clients can get more in-depth questions answered, quickly, and - if they would like to - book a call or an appointment, immediately.


There’s also a new SHOP on the site, where both LUXURY LINENS are available for purchase [ for local delivery only ] , and where E-BOOKS about various topics can be purchased - for immediate download.

Savour Partnership provided Lagnappe Custom Interiors with a new cover design for the ebooks, as well, for visual consistency.


There’s also a brand new look for the Lagnappe Custom Interiors BLOG, Island Home Design Notes.


Savour Partnership created a beautiful mini-magazine for Lagnappe Custom Interiors, visible on the side bar of the blog, above.

Before, the mini magazine email opt in was popping up too quickly on every page of the site, which wasn’t providing visitors with a luxury visual experience.

Now, that fast pop up on each page is gone, and the verbiage has been re-written in a way where the fine print builds trust, due to transparency.

Since most visitors to any website first visit the site on their mobile phones, though, it was important to also incorporate this invitation request for emails on the home page.

Now, if you look at the site on your mobile phone, you will see a horizontal bar right below the hero image, which, when clicked, opens up onto this image.

Offering Lagnappe Custom Interiors site visitors this beautiful mini-magazine in return for their email does 2 things:

1. It elevates the luxury perception of Lagnappe Custom Interiors.
2. The magazine’s content delivers value, in return for a subscriber’s email address.

In addition, the mini-magazine can be printed and included in a welcome package, given to brands at a tradeshow, etc.

[ If you would like us to design one of these mini-magazine/email opt-ins for your brand, too, please reach out, here. ]

Another free download was also created, shown below.

It was a real joy to work with Tiffany and her website designer, Nicole, on this project, which went smoothly from beginning to end.

Website project management, copywriting and strategic brand positioning online has been a service offering of my business for a very long time.

If you’d like to see other websites where I’ve done this work, I invite you to click on the links at the end of this post.

For now, I invite you to click on: to see Tiffany’s beautiful new site for yourself. I also invite you to follow Lagnappe Custom Interiors on Instagram, here, and to subscribe to her Island Home Design Notes blog, here.

Lastly, I’d love for you to PIN the image below.

If you are an interior designer and need a new website in 2022, I’d love to talk with you about it and invite you to reach out to me at

Here are examples of other websites where I’ve been involved in the online strategic positioning of a brand’s new website and the project management and copywriting work.

Please note: I collaborate with a wide range of graphic designers on my projects. I have a variety of graphic designers I recommend, depending on the investment capabilities of my clients and whether or not they are using Squarespace or Wordpress as their content management system.

Again, please reach out to me at if I can help you in 2022.

Thank you!

Leslie Carothers
Chief Energizing Officer
Savour Partnership